Cascading Failure Update 8


Have you ever wanted to be treated nicely by your Engineers? Maybe even repair your Mechs and Turrets at a ridiculous pace? Well now the Heavy Engineer Armor set is here. A tanky support armour set designed around keeping a minimalistic defence alive a lot longer than it should. Able to place mines to stop enemies traversing sneaky side paths, or even to surprise enemy troops as they move towards a nearby resource point.

This is the tankiest armour set that we have put in and as such you will be treated the same way as other heavy armour sets where you are repaired instead of healed. Medics can still heal you but the effect is minimised just with other heavy suites.

Along with the addition of the new armour we have made some other changes around the respawn system in the Wave Defence Game Mode. You will now be able to complete bonus objectives, destroying an enemy fortification, to gain lives and respawn dead allies. There is also a monetary reward for completing these objectives.

We hope that you are able to find a good place to add this armour set into your matches and look forward to joining you all on the battlefield.

Thank you for supporting the development of Cascading Failure.


  • Player Engineer Armor

    • Primary Weapon is locked to a Repair Arm.

    • Cannot use Utilities.

    • Can place Mines with Armor Ability.

    • Can be Healed and Repaired.

    • Has 300HP and 50HP Shield Buffer.

  • New Weapon: HMI PDW for HMI.

  • New Weapon: Laser Pistol for Plastec.

  • New Primary Utility: CC and IFAF Repair Arms (Heavy Engineer Only).

  • Wave Defence Bonus Objective Added

    • Can now gain lives and resources by completing bonus objectives. Completing a bonus brings dead players back.

    • Bonus Objectives are to destroy enemy target structures.

  • New Structure: Mine. Can be constructed with the Heavy Engineer Ability.


  • Plasma Rifle now has correct Muzzle Flash.

  • Cliffside, Refinery and Glacier Fences no longer block vision.


  • IFAF Pistol mag size increased to 18.

  • CC Pistol mag size increased to 12.

  • Auto Pistol mag size increased to 30.

  • Pulse Pistol mag size increased to 16.

  • Pulse Pistol Drop Start changed to 10 and Drop End to 40.

  • BD Impact can now be equipped by Rifleman and Shield Bearer.


Cascading Failure Update 9


Cascading Failure Update 7