Cascading Failure Maps
A housing area for the recyling and construction crew which work on the nearby Terraformer. Since this planets terraforming is complete the materials used remaining from terraforming are to be repurposed and used to finish the construction of space craft facilities.
CC Mining Explorers looking for new soruces of Lutrinium found remnants of a long extinct alien race around abundant stockpiles of Lutrinium. IFAF troops were deployed to capture or destroy the new mining sites to prevent a foothold so close to Federation space.
Before the conflict between the CC and the Federation, HMI and the Federation worked together on a materials extraction site near the city of Novisaw. Abandoned by the IFAF the area became a staging ground for the CC’s assault on the nearby city of Novisaw. Fighting errupts in this area as the Federation and Defence Militias fight to secure the surroundings of Novisaw from the CC advance forces.
A CC recycling facility used for decommissioning old civilian starships which are then repurposed into Trade and Military vessels. Conflict begun as the Federation started to deploy troops to the Refinery under the mission of securing intel on the CC designs as well as disrupting the ability to repurpose starships.
On a planet plagued by snow storms and unforgivable weather systems a military facility was established to take advantage of the abundance of resources. The Federation established the base with a large Orbital Defence Battery to stop orbital bombardments. CC forces infiltrate to disable the Defence Batteries which will allow their ships to roam free in the system.