Cascading Failure Update 1

This is our first update since launching on Early Access. Now that people are playing and it isn’t just the two of us, we can see how new players react to the game. The biggest hurdle, is that a new player can struggle a bit against the enemy when first introduced, especially against groups. We want to keep the introduction to the game still quite brutal, as players will need to quickly realise that running and gunning isn’t always going to work and attempting to solo a squad or squads without support is a no. To alleviant some of the issues the Tutorial map will start in a new mode called Easy Mode which will reduce incoming damage to the player and his team by 50%. You can change back to Standard Mode at the scenario terminals when running Free Mode training. The practice course will stay the same as a damage reduction option is still available. You will now also be able to select Easy Mode from the difficulty selector when choosing to start missions, although a Company Points earned penalty will be applied. We hope this makes it a better introduction for new players while also not removing the harder aspects of the game.

From both of us,
Thank you for all the support!

The overall change log is below for reference and is broken into 3 categories: New, Fixes and Adjustments.


  • New Difficulty setting: Easy (Reduces enemy damage by 50%). Rewards reduced to 30% for this setting.

  • Added ability to view minimap when dead.

  • Company and Customization Menus updated to highlight important areas better for new players.

  • Spectator menu added to death screen for Co-op spectators.

  • A Reset Loadouts button has been added to the player sections to reset all loadouts. Does not affect company point allocation.

  • Added Adjustable controls to the control’s menu. You can now alter most controls to be whatever you want. You will not be able to change to a conflicting control. Not all controls are adjustable yet.


  • AI will no longer hold onto targets location longer then is visible, but will be more aggressive in pursuit or grenades if they have them equipped.

  • Gun drones will now target slow moving projectiles more aggressively.

  • Menu UI on strange size resolutions for the loadout and customization menu fixed, should now place correctly.

  • Can now order medics to heal while in camera drone.

  • Updated stat graphs for explosive weapons to show correct falloff distances and values.

  • Fixed permanent game pause while playing in solo if Main Menu was brought up while attempting to Re-Deploy.

  • EMP Grenade Damage was applying to individual targets more than once. Has now been fixed and only hits each target once.

  • Will no longer get stuck moving while using training terminals.

  • Added a failure condition for Assault portion of training.

  • Fixed a High Latency bug that could arise in Coop play.

  • Can no longer place a building on self.

  • Mechs will now properly path find around each other.


  • Performance increase for late game and death match.

  • Infantry who have grenades will now use them more often.

  • When no radar has been built a warning message will display on the minimap.

  • Walker Missile spread has been reduced so the missiles will now be more clustered.

  • Walker Cannon Damage Increased from (40) -> (80)


Cascading Failure Update 2


Cascading Failure Released into Early Access